
Online Masters Programs California

Looking for master programs in California? We are updating list regarding universities offering a master degree in accounting. Pick the nearest university in your town and apply. Most universities only admission online to that student, who has extensive field experience. So make sure about international student regarding paying an admission fee. Many sub-accountancy courses covering in a master program like  Financial Reporting, Auditing, Taxation. Schools Descriptions  Golden State University Master in Accounting Devry University Bachelor & Master Programs Some universities prepare students for further study in CPA or CMA certification.  Colleges in California with Online Accounting Degree Here we provide a list of top ranking universities offering Master degree in Financial Accounting. SOme only provide certification or some 1 or 2-year program. University of Phoenix California Offering online master program in accounting.  MS in Accountancy Top

What is Accounting? Types

First of all, we will understand what is an accounting? Accounting is a numerical or numbers game, which accountants use for solving puzzles. Or you can say that mathematical equations solve out in an easy way. Mainly accounting has 3 to 4 types, Two Main 1.      Financial Accounting 2.      Cost Accounting 3.      Tax Accounting Financial Accounting All about cash flow to the income statement and balance sheet principal with examples. In this category pure dealing with finance like debt, credit and cash flow regarding expense and profit. The journal entry to inventory stats, from equity accounts to shareholders account, and other Cost Accounting Most difficult to understand category in accounting, here are some main categories of cost accounting is here below. 1.      Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 2.      Constraint Analysis 3.      Cost Behavior                      4.      Financial Ratio Analysis 5.      Receivables Turnover Ratio 6.